Thursday, January 30 2014

  • Beshear: Brent Spence Replacement Is Crazy Expensive So Get Ready for Tolls

    According to insiders from a closed-door meeting with Kentucky officials last week, the financial solution for replacing the aging Brent Spence bridge must include tolls. Some of the concerns voiced within the meeting spoke to an undo burden being placed on Northern KY communities so the Governor has begun to appeal to local business leaders for their support. And while the recent conversations surrounding the project seem more and more prevalent these days, an actual replacement may not come to fruition for decades.

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  • Ohio's Lower-income Fourth Graders Struggle to Keep Up

    Four out of five of Ohio's lower-income fourth graders fall below reading proficiency standards, according to a report released by the Annie E. Casey Foundation. Higher-income fourth graders fared a bit better, however, with only 48 percent of the group falling below proficiency standards. The report comes on the heels as state officials are trying to implement the Third Grade Reading Gaurantee, which requires most Ohio third-graders to test at or above proficiency before they can advance to the fourth grade.

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  • Work Begins on new Anna Louise Inn Location

    After a failed legal battle to remain in Lytle Park, work has begun today on the new location at Mount Auburn for the Anna Louise Inn. The Inn's owner, Cincinnati Union Bethel, lost a 2-year lawsuit with Western & Southern to keep the Inn at Lytle Park, where it has been since 1909. Western & Southern wanted the Inn moved to complete its development vision for Lytle Park. The $15-million project is expected to be completed by Spring of 2015.

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  • Kroger to Rollout Online Ordering

    Building on the success of their recent $2.5 Billion dollar acquisition, Kroger execs are considering implementing a new online ordering service that could be tested here at home. The "Express Lane", a Harris Teeter service could be bringing a whole new level of shopping convenience to consumers. The grocery giant had reportedly been developing their own system, but shelved it when the Harris Teeter deal emerged, so as not to duplicate efforts.

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  • It's Getting Crowded Down Here

    Yesterday, UrbanCincy detailed the large swath of new downtown residential developments slated over the next couple years, and the propositions are exciting. Everything from new hotels to swanky apartments, our urban core is about to get a whole lot more populated. This is good news for retailers in the Central Business District and Over The Rhine which are eyeing new opportunities for more restaurants, grocery stores and the like.

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